The 2024 ASTMJS/ESTMJS Joint Meeting
“TMJ Horizons: Unraveling the Mysteries of Condylar Growth, Resorption, and Regeneration”
consists of three half-day sessions on February 29 – March 2
Ponte Vedra Inn, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
The registration fee for the ASTMJS/ESTMJS Joint Meeting is $495 (breakfasts included)
($395 for Emeritus Members/$695 Virtual)
There is an additional charge for the following:
Spouse/guest to attend the reception breakfast on Thursday, February 29 ($75/person)
Plated dinner on Thursday, February 29th ($175/person)
Reception on Saturday, March 2nd ($120/person
Click to Register for the ASTMJS/ESTMJS Joint Meeting